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Desde jun 2024

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Waco, Texas, USA

Kiln Dried Birch Logs Firewood

Waco, Texas, USA
Junio 01, 2024 Número de anuncio: 722

Kiln Dried Birch Logs Firewood

The standard crate dimensions are 115cm x 115cm x 80cm (approx).

Loose volume – 2 bulk bags.

Log length – 25cm.

Moisture content – under 20% guaranteed.

Birch logs are the best choice for wood lovers and will burn easily.
Easy to light, easy to put out and burns with a great flame.
Kiln Dried Birch Logs Firewood
We ship our Birch firewood worldwide, handle truck delivery within Europe and we have very short delivery time of about 2-4
working days within Europe.

250 USD

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